Monday 14 October 2013

OCD Awareness Week

Just imagine being told everyday that you are worthless, stupid, incompetent.
Just imagine being screamed at every day
Just imagine being called ugly and fat.
Just imagine being tortured with images of harm you could do to others
Just imagine being told everyday that those you love are going to leave you
Just imagine being starved
Just imagine being imprisoned in your own house

Can you imagine it?

Now imagine the person doing this to you is you!!!

OCD is not a quirk, it's a serious and sometimes fatal illness. It's time this condition was taken seriously!

Please support #ocdawarenessweek and and help those who suffer or care for a sufferer by raising awareness and understanding. It's hard to live with ocd, it's hard to live with someone with ocd. It's easy to turn a blind eye or make a joke!!

I'm a long time sufferer of OCD. When I was originally diagnosed I didn't have a clue what it meant or where to turn. Then I discovered a little charity and they literally changed my life. The support and help I have revived has been amazing. 

I wish there was more I could do to support them, to show my appriciation of all their support, but for now this is my contribution. Trying to raise awareness. Trying to get others to see just how bad this illness can be. To try to get some understanding for those who suffer. 

I'm not out of the woods yet, but with help and support I'm at least on the path. Occasionally I still lose my way, sometimes I stumble far from the path, but on those days I know I'm surrounded by support and guidance, I know deep down I will make it back eventually. 

I wish I didn't feel like this, I wish I could think slowly and logically rather than the million voices spinning around my head, but for now I'll just settle for knowing there is help. But for some, that knowledge isn't there, for some, they are still stubbing aimlessly through the dark woods. And that is why OCD Awareness Week is so important!

Please, if nothing else, share this blog and shine a little ocd knowledge around the world

Thank you x

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