Wednesday 31 December 2014

New Year, same old me :)

As the clocks tick over to midnight and we prepare to celebrate the coming of a new year we also prepare to tell ourselves the biggest lie of the year....

New year, new me!

I'm gonna lose weight
I'm gonna give up smoking/chocolate/wine/crisps
I'm gonna get fit
I'm gonna learn to ski/swim/hand glide

On the 1st it's all 'new me new me'
By the 15th it's all 'bugger it, I gave it a go'
It's a rare sight to see a New Years resolution survive past January, an even rarer one past march!

So what's the answer?

New year, ME

Just me

Me with all my faults and clumsiness.
Me with all my likes and dislikes

Whether you like me or hate me
Want me in your life or out
Talk every day or once a year
Moving away or yet to move near
Shared a laugh or a tear with me

This year I'm me.
I might lose weight, I might gain it
I might get fit or I might eat a packet of biscuits

But why can't I just be me? Why do I have to be a new me?
If I stop being old me am I still me?

How can you expect those that love you to still love you if you stop being you?

Or is everyone changing in the new year for someone else's benefit?

I hope not!!

A new you for someone else is just an unhappy old you and a dissatisfied new them! There's a saying "you can't please all of the people all of the time" and it's true, try it. The only guaranteed outcome is a very exhausted unhappy you! Is that the new you you were looking for?

Thought not!!

Try being you, that will make you happy and the welcome side affect that comes with it is that if you are happy, those who matter, those who care will be happy too, because your happiness will become infectious!!
No more people pleasing
No more new you

I won't be wishing to be a new me, I don't think I deserve that kind of punishment or disappointment. I all honesty, life is stressful enough without adding unachievable targets too.

If you love me, care about me or are even slightly aware of my existence, then I'm sure you'll be happy that I'm sticking to being me.

So happy new year, see all of you next year, and hopefully still recognise you all!!!!!

Good journey through 2015