Tuesday 15 October 2013

It's Serious

Here is a poem I wrote in support of OCD Awareness Week. It's called "It's Serious". Enjoy

I have obsessive compulsive disorder,
It really is a pain,
To have to change my routines,
I'd rather keep it the same.

It's stressful when it's running
Freely round my mind,
Convincing me that I am wrong,
Or stupid or unkind.

It hurts my very soul
When I feel my fears come true,
Even though I know deep down
That they very rarely do.

It causes so much anguish
To those who care for me,
To see the one they love
Be tortured so easily.

My brain is out to get me,
To ruin and abuse,
But the thing that I find hardest
Is peoples constant misuse.

'A little bit OCD'
Does not even come near
To the horrors of a sufferer,
The thoughts that we all fear.

It's not a fashion label
It's not quirky nor a joke,
It's not a comical retort
To idly be spoke.

It's not to be taken lightly
Or judged or stigmatised,
It's a serious mental illness,
It's about time it's recognised!

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