Monday 27 May 2013

The world today

Oh dear campers, I think I might make you all feel very down today. I've been thinking about the state of the world and recent events have put my mind into overdrive, so here it is:

I can't fathom the world today, is that just me? It's causing my ocd to bounce off the walls and lead me to believe that having a baby was the most selfish thing I've ever done, and maybe it was. Maybe it's what every parent thinks, but I'm starting to have panic attacks when I think about the world my child will grow into. It seems to be a very depressing future, a world where fighting and greed and selfishness win out over goodness, honesty and kindness. Where outer beauty and thinness is valued over inner beauty and intelligence. Where objects are valued over humans, where antisocial ways of life are the norm. You no longer need to leave your house for anything. I worry that my child will never know the pleasure of playing out with friends, will never understand the value of respect, will never be able to experience life to its fullest, and that's only if you think positively that the planet will last that long! We are slowly killing the planet with deforestation and landfill, with hatred and war, with greed for oil, gold, land, power. We are happy to sacrifice other human brings for the greater cause of wealth and power. Nuclear war is imminent, global warming and flooding are imminent, the end of the world is nigh!!!!! My goodness you could really get depressed thinking about this stuff!!!!
But what if instead my child is one of many who will change the world, to make it a better place, a nicer place. A place where they value human life over wealth or power. A place where people work together for the greater good. That could happen, so maybe  I have nothing to worry about. 
I can't accept that the world is that bad, but I can't help the thoughts flying around in my head, telling me what an awful future my poor baby has, and I fret that there is nothing I can do. It makes me so angry that the world can be so hateful and dangerous when we are all the same species, we are all human. why can't we all get along? 
Eventually something has to give, I just hope and pray that it all works out for the best and we don't end up destroying ourselves over religion or power or wealth.
Maybe everyone needs to take a step back, yes you can have your own beliefs, but how about believing in humanity? 
There is so much more I could say about this, so many more worries, but instead I'll just leave you with a poem,

I don't agree

I don't agree with fighting
When we're capable of talking,
I don't agree with hating
When we're capable of loving.
I don't agree with hunger
When we're capable of feeding
I don't agree with greed
When we're capable of sharing
I don't agree with war
When we're capable of peace
I don't agree with misery
When we're capable of happiness
I don't agree with lies
When we're capable of honesty
I don't agree with nastiness
When we're capable of nicety
I don't agree with pain
When we're capable of healing
I don't agree with hostility
When we're capable of hospitality
I don't agree with selfishness
When we're capable of selflessness
I don't agree with enemy
When we're capable of friendship.

Anyway, cheer up, there's alway tomorrow (I hope)
Happy camping x

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